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STIKES Bali offers a personalized admission process where each applicant is considered on an individual basis. Prospective students should apply directly to STIKES Bali.


Entry into STIKES Bali is based on:

  • Academic record
  • Contribution to prior education institution or community (e.g. achievement in academic and non-academic field, active participation in student’s association, etc.)
  • Personal qualities such as motivation to study and academic potential
  • Interview with a member of academic senate of STIKES Bali.
  • Written Test for Prospective Students
  • Test of Health and Wellbeing

The Interview

The interview is an integral part of the admission process for all students at STIKES Bali. Interviews are intended to provide prospective students with an opportunity to discuss their preferred course and academic life at STIKES Bali. Personal qualities such as motivation to study and academic potential are also assessed on the interview.