
seminar-internasional-lansiaRecently, on October 16th 2013, Student Union of Stikes Bali held the International Seminar. According to the vision of Stikes Bali as an international standard college to produce the professional graduates based on international knowledge and technology.

International Seminar of Incontinence “ Increasing Awareness of Incontinence” was held in STIKES Bali because of a lack of public awareness of diseases and the management of Incontinence in Indonesia. This is very important because incontinence was experienced not only the elderly but all age levels. Lack ness of attention by health workers make there is no specific treatment for incontinence. Through this seminar hopefully will increase the awareness of incontinence.

This Seminar was opened by the Chairman of Stikes Bali Drs. I Ketut Widia, BN Stud, MM and this seminar was attended by the lecturer of Stikes Bali and all students including Bachelor of Nursing, Diploma III of Nursing, and Diploma III of Midwifery program with 3 speakers presenting.

First speaker is Emeritus Professor of Nursing Jan Paterson PSM, RN, PhD from School of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Health Flinders University, Australia who talked about “Incontinence among the elderly : an Australian perspective”, was continued by I Gede Putu Darma Suyasa, S.Kp,M.Ng, PhD, lecturer of Stikes Bali who completely his PhD in Flinders University Australia explained about “overview of prevalence causes and conservative treatments of faecal incontinence” and closed by the presentation of Mrs. Irma P Arisanty, S.Kp, RN. WOC (ET) N who explained more about Urinary Incontinence : Neurogenic Bladder and Spinal Cord Injury and Entrepreneurship. This seminar was successfully increase the knowledge and awareness of the participant in incontinence.