Bachelor of Clinical and Community Pharmacy is a 4 year (8 semesters) program. The maximum duration of this study is 14 semesters. The program comprises 145 credit points of study. On successful completion of this course, students will be awarded the qualification of Bachelor of Pharmacy (S.Farm). The graduates of this course are expected to be:

  1. Care giver. The students of this course are expected to be able to identify drug-related problems and alternative solutions to optimize therapy. They also expected to be able to service, supply and develop pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices by applying science and technology according to safe, effective, stable and quality procedures.
  2. Educator, Drug Information SpeacialistThe graduates of this course are expected to be able to search, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and disseminate information related to drugs and other pharmaceutical preparations. Graduates are also expected to be able to provide and disseminate information related to drugs and treatment in an effort to promote and prevent public health.
  3. Scientific Comprehension & Research AbilitiesThe students of this course are expected to master the theoretical concepts about drugs and the biological activities that they produce. As well as being able to apply theoretical and mathematical concepts to various fields of pharmacy in conducting research in the field of pharmacy through the analysis of physical, physicochemical, and biological phenomena.
  4. Long-Life LearnerThe students of this course are expected to be able to continuously improve his knowledge, skills and abilities.
  5. LeaderThe graduates of this course are expected to have leadership spirit that is able to provide ideas and motivate the group in carrying out pharmaceutical work in accordance with Pancasila (Indonesia Five Principle) and the Law.
  6. Decision MakerThe students of this course are expected to be able to make decisions and have role in determining policy in carrying out pharmaceutical work in accordance with Pancasila and the Law.
  7. ManagerThe students of this course are expected to be able to manage pharmaceutical, labor and financial resources by applying management principles in carrying out pharmaceutical work in accordance with Pancasila and the Law.
  8. Communicator, Teamwork abilitiesThe students of this course are expected to be able to build interpersonal relationships with various parties.
  9. Personal / Professional responsibilitiesThe students of this course are expected to be able to act responsibly in accordance with statutory provisions, pharmaceutical norms and ethics